How to Guide and Turf Guides
How to Guide
If you’re thinking about installing instant lawn, Kentucky Turf Nursery is here to help you out. On this page you’ll find a basic guide on how to get high quality turf with minimum fuss. We are the suppliers of turf North East Victoria trusts, so get in contact with us today.
STEP 1 – Measuring and Ordering
To ensure that we can provide a turf solution that suits your needs, we need to know the total square meters of turf you require for your planned lawn area. Accurate measuring will ensure you order the correct amount of turf. Grab a measuring tape to work out your area. Here are some guides to help you calculate the area or use the turf calculator to work out how much you need. After that, simply call us on 1800 069 229 to schedule a delivery time that suits.
STEP 2 – Soil Preparation
There are a number of steps you can take before the turf is installed to ensure you get the best results. First, it’s important to dig the area to a depth of 10cm to 15cm (4 to 6 inches). This can eliminate drainage problems by having the soil slope away from the foundations. You also need to make sure the soil underneath is suitable, and you can do this by raking fertiliser, lime, peat or compost in the area until the depth is between 7cm to 10cm (3 to 4 inches). After removing rocks, roots and large clods, use a lawn roller to press the area. This will firm the soil surface and reveal low areas that need more soil. Keep the grade 2cm to 3cm (1 inch) below sidewalks and driveways. Next, you need to water the area to settle the soil and provide a moist base for the turf. Moistening to a depth of 15cm (6 inches) is recommended for most soils, however our staff will advise you about the specific needs of your soil.
STEP 3 – Turf Installation
For the best results, you should install your lawn immediately after it is delivered, so take this into account when you schedule the delivery. Spread the starter fertiliser supplied with your order evently over your prepared soil. Begin laying the turf along the longest straight line, such as a driveway or sidewalk. Without stretching the turf, push and butt the edges and ends against each other tightly, and make sure you avoid gaps and overlaps. You also need to stagger the joints in each row in a brick-like fashion, using a large sharp knife to trim corners and other areas as required.
Avoid leaving small strips at the outer edges as they will not retain moisture. On slopes, place the turf pieces across the slope. To ensure that no indentations or air pockets are created, avoid repeated walking and kneeling on the turf during the installation process and after you have watered it. Having installed the turf, go over it with a lawn roller to improve the soil/turf contact, and remove any air pockets.
STEP 4 – Watering
Within a half hour of having your new lawn installed, you need to apply about 2cm to 3cm (an inch) of water to your new lawn, and continue to keep the turf moist until it is firmly rooted (this usually takes about 2 weeks). We recommend new installations to be watered three times a day for example 6am, 11am and 3pm. Watering times will vary between watering systems. This is very important during the summer months, extra caution is needed to ensure lawn does not dry out at any stage during the rooting down process.
Once roots are established, less frequent and deeper watering is appropriate. The required frequency of watering will obviously depend greatly on weather conditions; it’s important to ensure your lawn has enough moisture to survive hot, dry and windy periods, and watering more regularly during these times is necessary. You should also water areas that are near buildings more often, as reflected heat can often dry out the turf.
With proper care, your new lawn will remain a great asset for years to come, providing an attractive and practical surface that can increase the value of your property significantly. Make sure you cut your grass to no more than 1/3 of its length, and make sure you keep your mower blades as sharp as possible. The fertiliser and chemicals you apply will depend on the climate, sod and soil type, and weed/disease conditions.
Caution: During the first three weeks, you should avoid using your lawn too often, as this gives the roots an opportunity to firmly knit with the soil, ensuring the turf remains smooth.
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Farm Pick Up Information
Farm Pick Ups are available by pre order only. Please allow a minimum 24hrs and contact our office for farm pick up availabilities